Food-Related Internships
Gain real-world experience while earning UA credit.
We encourage you to seek out and apply for internships that interest you! Tucson is home to a vibrant food scene, with numerous opportunities to get involved with non-profit organizations and local businesses.
Searching for Internships
You can search for internships, on-campus jobs, and employment opportunities through UA Career Services Handshake website. As a UA student you can sign in with your NetID and password to start your search.
The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences also has a list of internship opportunities.
Food-Related Internships
UA Garden Kitchen
The Garden Kitchen, located in the heart of South Tucson, is a seed-to-table nutrition education program of the University of Arizona’s Pima County Cooperative Extension.
Iskashitaa Refugee Network
Iskashitaa Refugee Network creates opportunities to integrate UN refugees into the Southern Arizona community while educating the public, strengthening the local food system, reducing local food waste, and increasing food security.
Santa Cruz River Farmers Market
The Santa Cruz Rivers Farmers Market is a program of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. Our market’s focus is to provide food assistance programs to low-income neighborhoods and bring access to fresh local produce.
Las Miplitas Community Farm
Las Milpitas de Cottonwood is a six-acre community farm, located on the banks of the Santa Cruz River, that provides materials and support for local residents to grow food for themselves, making healthy, local food more accessible to low-income families.
Local First Arizona
Local First Arizona Foundation (LFA) is a non-profit organization that is building opportunities in Arizona. LFA is an award-winning organization focused on community and economic development throughout the state in order to build self-sufficient, healthy, and prosperous communities.
Mission Gardens
Mission Garden is an ancient agricultural site, farmed continuously for more than 4,000 years. Today it is an agricultural heritage museum interpreting and celebrating the multicultural history of Tucson through a series of Timeline Gardens.
Pivot Produce
Pivot is a produce distribution/warehousing company which sources produce from southern Arizona small scale farms, distributing to over 25 restaurants. Now in its 4th year, Pivot is experiencing rapid growth in sales and expansion of services.
San Xavier Coop Farm
The San Xavier Cooperative Association is committed to healthy farming practices and growing traditional crops to support the cultural and environmental values, as well as support economic development within the community.
Tucson Community Supported Agriculture
A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a partnership of mutual commitment between a farm and a community of members who pledge their support to the farm operation so that the farmland becomes the community’s farm, with the farmers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production.
Other Internship Opportunities
We encourage you to apply for internship positions with:
Before you can enroll in Food 393, complete the following steps:
- Determine whether you are eligible. Contact academic advisor, Sergio Calderon, to determine your eligibility for Food393 Internship (sacalderon@arizona.edu)
- Find and secure an internship. Check out our list of internship opportunities listed above. The University of Arizona’s Career Services also offers tips for finding an internship.
- Download and complete the internship application.
Download and complete the Food393 Work plan below (please note the work plan must be completed by both you and the person supervising your internship).
Document- Provide a professional resume
- Submit completed work plan and professional resume to Dr. Laurel Bellante at bellante@email.arizona.edu
*Note: No internships can be approved until after 1 July UNLESS the host site has made a 100% WFH (work from home) arrangement possible. No internship with face-to-face interactions will be approved.
The 100% Engagement Summer Impact Award is designed to help you get the most out of your experience while providing financial support to do it. If eligible, you can receive $2500 awarded to your Bursar's account. In addition, you’ll receive access to on-demand, online content, live workshops and other resources to help you be successful in your new position. Apply here.
Occasionally, Food Studies has access to additional funds to help support students to undertake an unpaid internship for course credit. The internship must form part of the coursework to complete a major or minor in the BA for Food Studies. Please contact Dr. Laurel Bellante directly for more information at bellante@email.arizona.edu.
If you have questions about finding internships or how to get internship credit, contact:
Sergio Calderon
Academic Advisor, Food Studies